Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day #05

#05 My Dreams

This is super freaky! The past few days, there were sleepovers by fel they all and ong at my house and just last night, i had the worst dream ever (from what i can remember lah. People tend to forget their dreams right) , and i woke up crying cos it felt so real! But the Adam Lambert in the dream was my best friend/neighbour and he wasnt gay (: wwooooooo. hahahaha. But i really thank God that its all a dream. It was so real, really!!!

Dear Dreams,
Even though i do not remember most of you's and there is not much impression left on me after everynight, what happened last night was so surreal that i felt so much pain. I didnt meet your happy side and im pissed with you for that. Grrrr. However, the happy times what you provided for was great! Experiencing those dreams in realistic places are nearly impossible. For example, once, i fell off a building to do skydiving or something like that and it felt like i was sinking in to my bed. Crazy isnt it! Its been great most of the time when i feel exhilarated about fun that i had while sleeping though. But please, dont scare me anymore cos i might get a heart attack and you'll be charged with "lack of sleep" murder. Also, i wish to see more of your bright side! (:

End of Day Five.

Love, Chanel

Monday, September 27, 2010


#04 My One and Only Sibling

Be honoured Xuan! I never will ever write a letter to you cos its just so weird! hahaha. (Typing this out while im eating a mango cake) Its Mummy's birthday! Happy 45th! Love!

Dear Sibling,
I bet the next letter that i'll ever write to you would be when i have to write to you when you enter NS. You & daddy will be the only guys in the world to see how ugly i look when i wake up every morning & all the times when i get grumpy and you kena from me. Hahaha poor boy. Most of the time, its the quarrels that make us closer (: awwwww. I get jealous, quite alot last time i think. Because sometimes i think that mummy like like you more than me, treat you better because you are the GUY in the family what, the one that will 'carry on' the Wee family line. Now i think i was crazy! Of course you will need more attention, youre younger and they would have to watch you more! Now, youre Sec1 and its the age that you might get swayed. SUPER easily. Peer pressure to do stupid stuff, not wanting to study cos you think its retarded and all these. I know! haha. So please when i try to tell you something please listen, i dont mean any harm. And when i get grumpy and throw a temper, please willingly forgive too! (pretend that its PMS lah kay) hahaha. Study hard broooooo (:

End of post #04

Chanelle Wee

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day #03

#03My Parents

Dear daddy/mummy,
I really grateful to all that you have done for me for the past years of my life and that both tried to sustain the family when shit happened to anyone. Thinking of it, many things did happen so far, but still, we are still a family. Thank you for providing for me, everything. School fees, shopping expenses, food, shelter. What would i do without you all? I cannot imagne it myself. I dont think i can handle working and studying at the same time and its really not easy for a student to fend for herself. I salute all those who work & study at the same time! Its never easy (: occasionally, i do still get retardedly jealous of my little brother because he is younger i guess. But i dont really mean 'jealous' jealous, get it? hahaha

To mummy: When i was younger, i stayed at ahmah's house most of the time because you were travelling, but i loved to stay with them, i dont blame you for travelling and i even want to get a job like yours! And you know that (: haha. Luckily i failed my math (why say lucky when you failed right, you'll ask). Okay, because after i failed, you tried to travel lesser to help me with it during the PSLE period and this helped us to get so much closer. Thanks mummy! And sometimes, i really wished that i can talk to you, just like a friend. However, its just weird to tell your mum things regarding someone you fancy and stuff. But i really wish that i will be able to tell you everything someday, when youre willing to listen (: Still, thank you for giving me life & i really hope you enjoy your new job!

To daddy: Behind the stringent expression on your face, i know it hides a big and kind heart. You never once rejected in sending me home at night, like after church and everything. I felt really bad when i got angry after you sent me to school and i was late. Saying that you took the long way and all. I know, i should be grateful to you for sending me all the way there, from tampines to clementi, which is crazily far for any human being to tolerate. Thanks daddy (: I do really hope that you'll get to know more about mars ( sorry for the weird name) and not disapprove strongly because you should trust that what im doing now, will not affect my studies in any way. Please be like mummy and just advise me not to. Love!

Never will i forsake them by sending them to a oldfolkshome ( NEVER).
I am more that grateful to them and i love you all (:

End of day#03
Love, Chanel

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day #02

#02My Crush/s

I almost forgot my commitment to this letter postings today! ooops.
So since i didnt really understand the word "crush" i went to type it into Wiki and this came out! CRUSH: the romantic attraction to another person, colloquially known as Limerence. So i see, its the romantic attraction to another person.

Dear Crush,
I know this sounds so weird, phased in such a overly serious tone but yes, i just have to get on with it! A crush sounds a word that we all use when we were all much younger but when i got to know my filipino workmates in coffeebean, they actually regard their boyfriends as their crushes! So everyone has a different perception of it and you know, what i think of a crush is the time when the person you have feelings for cannot/wont reciprocate your "love" back. Or if not, it'll be "crush became boyfriend". I will never call a boyfriend a crush (: So you'll know that if i call you or you heard of someone saying that youre my crush, its more like an eye-candy at this age of 17! Since crush is globally known as the romantic attraction to another, I know that i do have one now but still, i will never call you a crush because it just doesnt seem and sound long lasting you know. And starting something knowing that it wont stay for long is just.... retarded. hahaha. Its like you wont buy a apple to keep it if its made known to you that its gonna rot tmrw. Anyways, to the current one, crush is the wrong word.

End of Day#02

Love, Chanel

Monday, September 20, 2010

DAY #01, Your best friend

#01My Best Friend/s!

Hmmmm, i have no idea if this letter is meant to be written to people
or just for thoughts.
BUT since its a "letter" i just assumed that its for all to read,
specially dedicated to those mentioned.

Any scenarios, name or whatever which is similar to yours in any case
is purely coicidental.

Dear friends,                                                                   
Im sure i wont have to specify who are my best friends cos
if you are one, you'll know. You'll be the one that knows
me best, ones that i usually confide in, those that gets to hear
what is a real laughter (i do have a fake laughter btw) 
and also, where i live! Which close friend doesnt know wheres
your house located at! But i do agree that
the place that my house is at is a bit confusing! hahaha (:

I dont have a closest friend but i do have a group
of 3girlies that are always constantly there.
I know that we are in different schools
but im still really glad that you all will take time out
of every week's friday to hang out after school,
 be it to cry during hthts or to just eat at some
not very expensive place (cos we are students)
 or to just slack at fel's house to play.
Remember the time that we recorded ourselves
 singing in fel's computer!!! Sounded like ducks. hahahaha.
And the exercise at fel's house also. We just played
 a random song to do exercise moves cos
we were bored. (im not going to mention the details here cos its embarassing)

So individually,
Felicia Kitten Tan:
 Hello fel,
 i know you'll be reading this and i really want you to know
that ive treasured this friendship between us
 because we've both seen each other grow
through the years. Since the start of sec2.
Though its not for like 20years plus or what
but i already felt like i've known you for a long time!
 (super can remember the time when
i was retarded then i cried outside your house)
 hahaha. You know, who cares about what
others say when they insist that after secondary
 school the friends will separate. We'll be the
exception! (: Also, youre allowed 24/7 to call me.
Will pick up, cos youre given the trump card! (L)

Elaine Coffeebean Princess Ting:
Ni hao ting, ni yao he ling mong shui ma? haha cheena love.
I dont like to make the letter sad so it'll sound happy! (
: I think we've grown close during the olevels
period when we run from place to place to consult
 the teachers when they are busy enough and
also running away from S (guess who!),
 hoping that S's timing will not clash with ours. Haha.
Also, exchanging seats with Ekans so that
 we can help each other in lessons and having
to panic and stare widely eyed at Mrs.Leong,
hoping that she will not catch you.
I am really grateful for that, really.
Seeing you being in such a dilemma because of "you-know-who"
previously made me want to help you so badly but
 its something that you have to overcome yourself. But dont worry,
cos you know that you'll always have us to fall back on.
 Dont hesitate to call any of us.
Our phones will be like hotlines to you!
 (see, i started the 30day letter) Yay (:

Joey Rabbit Xue Teo:
Dear Xue, I still remember the first time
 when i met you was after school, in
Sec2 when we were all still nerdy.
 And i really thank you for teaching me how to blogshop,
 apply for the banking Giro thing (which never ever came)
and also, taking the effort to constantly update me
with the contact lenses sprees.
 Helping me to place orders with the person, meetups and everything (:
Also, remember we all htht-ed at fel's house
 and you told us what happened?
 Its a good thing that you
did tell us cos i know what it isnt easy
 to spill all your heartfelt feelings out. haha.
 But look on the bright side of things alright,
 like about grapefruit. heh heh.
 Be sure to know that we'll be there for you!
 Looking forward to meeting you tmrw for piano! (:

To all three of you(s): I wanna attend all of your weddings and how gorgeous you'll look in those white, frilly, puffy gowns !

I know this is only about best friends but....
Other close friends includes:

1) Church gang
The ones that i hang out with on the weekends!
Carissa, Ong, Sanghee, WS, Becky/s

2) School Friends
The ones that i used to see everyday! Stupid timetable system.
I hope we'll be in the same class again ):
Cherry, Yihui, Wanning, Michelle, Carolyn, Meixin, Weilong, Jovin, Wei Yang

For Marc, if youre thinking why there isnt your name, i think there might be another post for you! hahaha.
I'll just slot it in somehow okay. (:

End of #01

30 Days Letter

Hello blog!
Its been a super duper long time since ive posted and my english is going downnnn.
All the "lee, lah, lors" came out! hahaha.
Okay so since ive commited myself to the 30days letter, here it goes!

Titles for the 30 coming days:
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 —Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

Super many titles right, i know!
But it'll be good if like i come back to read next time! Like have memories (:

Post colour will be in blue to differentiate from my other blabberings!