Boring sunday !
Pictures from the day that my cousins came over during christmas !
Overdued photos

My brother's 'Beautiful' decoration on his slice of cake

Yuwen's masterpiecce ;D

Christmas was already over about 3days already & now then i post the pictures
Haha , christmas was kind of boring leh ):
Today is boring toooooo ! >;(
My mum's cooking & my dad's sleepinggg
My homework also not completed yet
Unless counting 5 amaths qns & emath qns
But i dont have the motivation to complete ):
Maybe when school starts then i see everyone doing their work then i'll do also :D
It may really happeennnn !
I need motivation -.-
Staying at home on a Sunday is really boring
I asked my mum to go out shopping
But she says that it really crowded outside
Sale , Sale , SALE everywhere
Really crazy sale thats worth the $$
I need some shoes/flats/sandals very sooon
I only bought a pair when i was in Malaysia
They had sale there tooo ;D
Hope i can go shopping really sooon
With $$ of course ,
widow shopping is not fun one
See the nice clothes & cannot buy >;(
I'll stop complaining how boring my Sunday is already !
Bye ,

Carissa & schuyler gave me this picture clip on hanger thing !
thanks ;D
TWILIGHT !At first i really felt like posting pictures
But in the end i dont feel like posting anymore
Maybe just a plain post will do
Im scared of the next year >;(
With all the stupid examinations !
I'll just have to say that ...
Twilight's really nice ;D
Especially when The Cullens are really really special & beautiful in their ways
Maybe im really the kind that likes romance stories!
Right now its christmas & i want everything !

Right now its christmas & i want everything
One year passed already?! So fast eh
These are the picts took in malaysia but no chance to upload till noww
I know very little
Getting pisssed in the morning of christmas is a bad thing ?
If its liddat , im going to be UNLUCKY (:
Everyone like outside & i am at homee!
But my relatives are coming overrrr
Actually they are here alreadyy
Luckily its close relatives if not i will be so bored !
Hahahh , i want to go for the countdown leh
Andandand eat roasted turkey !
There's logcake at home so i can eat later
Gooooodiessssssssssssssss ! (:
Bye alll
Right now its christmas & i want everything
Yeahyeah small icecream scoop hor ?
Its raining , its pouring , the old man is snoring :D
Haha it rained almost all morning & afternoon
Played basketball in the morning
Its more like we talktalktalk
Now i know why Fel isn't a guy already
Coss she cant aim well :D
I didnt become sick aft that can?!
Is you alll think sick okay ? ):
Hahahah , so long never see them already.
And i realised that i talked alot
Maybe too long never see them
Need to *ketchup !
ARGH , wth i cant connect my phone to the computer
Even with the USB cable ):
I want pictures to be loaded up here!
Forget it .
Shitty connection
The connection here is the best I've been going in & out of the internetOnly at 12.45 then the connection is stable& at 1.15 i got signed out againi tried Ebuddy But finally after awhile then i got in (:Soo long after then canGot lagged out When i tried again , cannot alrdwth ): One of my eye is red Like theres an infection& WORSE STILLi dream almost nightso it meant that i didnt sleep right -.-I thought there will be shopping but all we do is just sleep & exerciseThe resorts that im staying in are resorts for FishingSooo i just cycled , played tennis & badmintonIn total i went to 3 resortsNow im in the 3rd one (:Luckily im going to KL so finally i can shop-.- the things here are almost the same as singaaporeso its abit boringIm staying at a place calledPORT DICKSON:DOkay retard , Byeee Time to sleeeppppHe's back ! (:
Malaysia trip , missing all of you

A picture from the balcony of the resort im staying in now (:

I took all these pictures with my camera
Haha , clear photos finally
After dinner i try to come back to blog again ,
i dont want the connection to go haywire again
Byebye !
Miss you all :D
Have fun
& fel take care
Pictures !

Will blog soon when im back !Pictures ive posted
Bye ! (:

This picture took super long to upload -.-
i have no idea whyy
Later im going out in the evening
i cant wait to eat !
my homework all not done yet !
Lazy to do all the work ,
school starts and cant slack anymore or?
Ahhh , shit the next year
Went out with shihui , fel & ong
Ongs slippers dunno when to return her
When i get back from malaysia i think
Haha , my feet hurts
Wearing those $10 shoes
fel , ♥ for cooling me down
♥ ♥ ♥

Edited the photos ! (:
just click click click until the colour changes
a reason is that im too bored
Yeah i know fel's happy
i have no idea if im happy or not
cos theres no reason to be happy right?
tmrw im going out with shihui , fel , ong (:
We're going to fareast to shop for shihui's bag
im going to be broke so i cant spend much ):
blog tmrw whennn. .
the weather is better
mood is lifted
& everything fine
Dont be upset , be happy .
No image this time! Using laptop , no imagess ):HMM. . . Thursday:-Went swimming with fel , xue & ting.But ting didnt swim! ):I got darker & fel alsoIts a good thing lor , not bad Getting tanner sometimes is fun ! Hahaha , i love swimming -I lost my newly bought bottle ?!left it at the busstop & by the time i went back to get it Its gone already Like who want to steal a bottle?But but but its new & cute ):Its the nicest bottle i haveAhh forget it , i try to get another one Upset with myself for not taking care of the bottle ¬ listening to fel , She told me to put the bottle in my bag ):nvmnvmI needa wait soo long♥ ♥

I will post the other pictures another day ! (:
Have too many already ,
At the library i can only remember the "stalker"
He totally freaked us out
Worse still, he keep smiling to himself?!
Can die one leh , if he comtinue staying there ):
We tried to run but he followed
anyway he is abit . . . . Screw loose
so forget it -.-
We went swimming after thatt !
Went for only one hr like that & bombed our pockets with the taxi fare
Dailed-for-cab is for richer people ):
Haha buttt i want to go swimming again!
Yay , Tan.
Kay bye! (: