hellloo (:

okay i have no idea how i started this blog & im only going to invite
you all ,niceeeepeople to read
fel had been bugging me to have a blog since dont know when
mayb i will bore you , just leave a tag & i will know (:
when i have the time i will post !
but , when im busy i wont (i think)
YAY iwill start blogging now .
today went out with fel &manymany others
it felt weird , not throughout but somehow i dunno .
& i am so horrible ):
cos i made fel & yuting angry with me
i felt guilty after that but after we walked around tm awhile
then they're okay (:(:(:
i will not repeat it again
my kawaii babes~
the stupid road at bugis street was so BUSY
we had to cross it so many times ): (imma scaredybear)
we went to STEAMboat after that
the steamboat was okayokay,
i dont know how to describe it
haha ;D
okayyyy i know the way i described it sounded boring (:
but some happened to fel when we were going out of the ZINC shop
i shall not mention , let her say
super cute can, but it dangerouss
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